This is a past event. Participants were delighted by "the abundance of materials" and "the relaxed creative environment." They enjoyed themselves immensely, considering the experience to be "great fun" and "good playtime."
- "It was fanciful & magical & fun!"
- "Once you start you can't stop."
- "I don't think one can have enough fairy furniture!"
Making Fairy Furniture
facilitated by Bonnie Ward
Saturday, June 16, 2007
10 a.m.-1 p.m.
$40, which includes ALL materials
5 max, so RSVP quickly!"Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again." (C.S. Lewis)
Start your summer with whimsy & wonder! Invite the fairies to lounge at your house by making them comfortable, stylish (and tiny) furniture using Bonnie's incredible collection of dried flowers, moss & twigs. The possibilities are endless: chairs, tables, benches, beds, a picture holder, tree houses and more. No previous art experience needed; bring your 5-year-old soul who believes in fairies, and you are guaranteed to make something beautiful! By the way, this will be the last workshop we offer until September: I'll be taking July & August off to enjoy the sunshine and I encourage you to do the same. :)
About your guide: Bonnie became inspired to make fairy furniture after watching "Fairy Tale, A True Story," in which two girls from England in the early 1900s reportedly actually saw fairies and photographed them. The girls played in the woods and made little pieces of furniture for the fairies, even creating a house. In her childhood, Bonnie remembers creating dolls out of flowers in her backyard. She has dabbled in creative arts and writing most of her life and now that she's a school nurse, she particularly enjoys sharing this "art from the heart" with students at her school.
About the studio: Scarlet Star Studios offers a wide variety of opportunities for art exploration, with instructors who will encourage you to create fearlessly & truthfully in a familiar, safe and inspiring studio environment.
For more details or to RSVP for "Making Fairy Furniture," please contact us! And please feel free to forward this opportunity along to someone who wants to get on the good side of the little people.
a few of the fabulous furniture pieces created during this event: