Guided Intent: Possibility
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
7 p.m.-9 p.m.
$15, which includes ALL materials
10 max, so RSVP quickly!November is a time of possibility and plenty. Expect great things. Accept great things! Explore some of those possibilities with us at Scarlet Star Studios, where we'll use a variety of fortune-telling tricks as writing prompts. We'll create poetry using coins, cards, cookies & tea leaves to remind us how we can be blessed with an abundance of possibility with even the smallest stimulus.
About the studio: Scarlet Star Studios offers a wide variety of opportunities for art exploration, with instructors who will encourage you to create fearlessly & truthfully in a familiar, safe and inspiring studio environment.
Fine print: Since our events often fill quickly, an RSVP who doesn't show means a missed opportunity for someone else. If you RSVP for a Guided Intent but your plans change, PLEASE give us as much notice as possible to give another artist a chance to play (at least 3 days). If we cannot find someone for your spot, you will be responsible for the cost of the event.