scarlet star 

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Secret Gardens
facilitated by Shelley Lebel
Saturday, May 03, 2008
12:30-3:30 p.m.
$40, which includes ALL materials!
6 max, so RSVP quickly!

Bring the outdoors in! Make a functional piece of art by decorating a clay pot with mosaic and embellishing it with your favorite quotes, colors, stones, found objects & mixed media. Then you'll brighten it by creating flower pens to "plant" in it: when the pot is filled with beans, only you'll know the flowers are pens! Even if you don't have a green thumb, you can "grow" any sort of wild & wonderful flower you'd like this way. This technique is not suitable for outdoor pots, but your secret garden will be a cheerful & practical addition to any room, and you'll never have to remember to water it!

About your facilitator: Former Canadian Shelley Lebel loves mosaic because it's an art form where you get to smash, crack and break things -- and then incorporate them together into something fun and beautiful!

About the studio: Scarlet Star Studios offers a wide variety of opportunities for art exploration, with instructors who will encourage you to create fearlessly & truthfully in a familiar, safe and inspiring studio environment.

For more details or to RSVP for "Secret Gardens," please contact us! And please feel free to forward this opportunity along to someone you think would be delighted by a secret hiding in plain sight.

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