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January 18, 2008

artist's way open studio (january)

by gl. at 11:42 pm

last night i hosted a "virtual" open studio, so named because it all happens at our own homes. last year i did this because the hill outside our house was icy and i didn't want people coming here, but i also didn't want to waste the art momentum & resolutions of the new year!

i was so delighted by the wide range of people who attended and the big range of arts i wanted to do it again! plus, while i very much enjoy encouraging people to make art at the studio, i also think it's important to make art in your own space. this year the morning started off snowing, so i was very glad to have scheduled a virtual event.

one of the great things about the virtual open studio is the creative stories and support we share throughout the day. though pictures were due by 9 p.m., people checked in and sent pictures whenever they could fit it in their day, which is something i'd like to encourage people to do whenever they want to make art. no need to wait for a specific date or time; travelling to an official art-designated station is not required. just do it, wherever you are and with whatever you have!

so after dinner, sven & i decided to work on creating creatures for shelley noble's film, halfland: "The undersea door to Halfland is now open. You too are invited to craft, in anyway you'd like, a small sea creature of some kind; fish, seaweed, shellfish, starfish, anything between 1 to 4 inches long ( 25mm to 100mm), that can be used in the underwater scene (film 1; scene 2 in the outline linked below) early on in the film."

i wanted to create a little stuffed "scarlet starfish" while sven wanted to create an "svenfish" stopmo puppet:

[scarlet starfish: front]

[scarlet starfish: back]

[svenfish: those fins can be animated!]

but everyone at the virtual open studio created awesome things! only one major snafu: dreamhost snarfed 90% of my emails about this event before i could write about it, so i had to ask people to resend their pix & conversations. ouch! still, i think the virtual open studio will be an annual event. we may not always make props for friends' films, but it's nice to work in the studio together making things! and knowing other people are also out there playing with art at the same time is exciting and fun.

posted by gl. | January 18, 2008 11:42 PM | categories: artist's way