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August 20, 2007
"let sleeping gods lie" will miss sept 1 deadline
by sven at 12:00 pm
I regret to announce that Let Sleeping Gods Lie will not be finished in time for this year's H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival.
I've made enormous progress this year on the film. At the beginning of the year, I'd say the film was about 15% complete. Now, I'd say it's 80-85% complete. I am extremely proud of what I've produced so far... This project is going to be unlike any other Lovecraft film you've ever seen.
I want to thank everyone who's been supporting me during the big push:
The local friends, whom I haven't seen at all during the past four months of monastic isolation...
The online friends who have cheered me on, and who will no doubt be disappointed (as I am) at having to wait even longer for LSGL's completion...
The actors, who have repeatedly martyred themselves beneath black stocking masks and heavy winter coats...
And Gretchin, who's been the most fantastic Creative Advocate a filmmaker could ever ask for.
The kamikaze "filmmaking-to-the-exclusion-of-all-else" approach that I've used this summer now comes to an end. I've been actively outlining plans for a revised production schedule -- but for the time being, I'll be keeping them to myself.
Suffice it to say: I am missing a deadline, but I am not giving up. Let Sleeping Gods Lie will be completed.
posted by sven | August 20, 2007 12:00 PM | categories: let sleeping gods lie