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April 8, 2007
lsgl: new script + animatic
by sven at 8:01 am
I'm back at work on Let Sleeping Gods Lie. It's my priority project for the next three months.
Yesterday I was determined to make some big progress. I managed to pump out an all-new chunk of script... And then on top of that, threw together a Quick & Dirty animatic.

The story told in the animatic is supposed to be a telepathic message that's accidentally triggered by the explorers when they discover the Elders' rescue beacon.
The animatic's been very helpful already. I can see now that there's a big section in the middle that I don't have visuals for yet. I know that I'm looking at putting together about 2 minutes of animation for this bit. And I can see that if I actually go through with this concept, I might well be biting off more than I can chew. (As usual.)
I'm really excited about a new sound design concept: since the Elders have five faces, I figure they should speak in multiple voices -- like a greek chorus. The voices in the animatic are just a test-of-concept. The script that's included below is a version that's already been revised, after having completed the animatic.
So, here's the "Deep History" script as it stands now...
For three voices:
- LO: A deep voice. A weary historian and authority.
- MID: A mid-range voice. A soldier.
- HI: A high voice. Somewhat vulnerable. A young child?
Except where noted, when one voice is speaking then the others say the same words at the same time, quietly in the background.
We came from the first stars. Empire -- spanning the million worlds.
With the old science, our people created servants. Mindless and gibbering: the shoggoths.
We raised great cities on this planet.
And ruled as gods.
* * *
War. With the ancient king.
Jealous, his army of leeches fell upon us.
Battle raged ten thousand years. We filled oceans with their blood.
Then: victory! The enemy is imprisoned. Trapped and dreaming on his sunken throne.
* * *
We celebrated our strength.
Told and retold the stories.
But gods remembering old glory -- become weak.
Our people grown decadent: The old science is lost now. The secret of space-flight -- forgotten.
Dependent on the servants, we surrendered our power. We gave them intelligence. Language.
The shoggoths speak in voices that are --
Our own.
In the beginning merely beasts... They had become our slaves.
* * *
Everywhere at once they rose up.
And we were helpless.
They smashed the cities. Murdered their own creators.
For our crimes, they hunt us down.
One by one, with immortal hatred. Until none are left.
We hide ourselves, waiting. To be rescued like children.
If anyone is left to hear this...
Send to us...
posted by sven | April 8, 2007 8:01 AM | categories: let sleeping gods lie