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superNOVember - 7
November 9, 2006
superNOVember - 6
by sven at 10:15 pm
SuperNOVember is a month-long event initiated by Shelley Noble. The challenge: take action on your art each day, blog about it daily.
I really appreciate all the comments folks have been leaving. Give me a day or so -- I can't respond to them all tonight. Gretchin did me the favor of adjusting how many posts display on the main page, so things won't disappear before they've gotten response.
Today's stopmo progress:
- I cleared the closet and surrounding area in my studio room
- a contractor came over, so we could talk about tearing the closet out
I'm pleased with the contractor so far. "Straight-shooting" is a good word. I'm hopeful that we may be able to rely upon him for future jobs -- presuming this one goes well. I begin to see what the renovated room is actually going to look like...
Last night I downloaded the demo for Magpie and started exploring. Very, very excited! I'm picturing recording a soundtrack in GarageBand, analyzing it in Magpie, and then animating using the X sheets. ...Mike's alerted me that the new AnimAideXT framegrabber has lipsync capabilities built in. Gonna have to look at that too, before I buy anything.
In life news: Got a birthday present for my niece wrapped up and mailed out -- but it looks like it won't arrive in time, which is disappointing. Got the Svan back from the auto shop, transmission repaired. (Still more jobs left to do on it... Next week.) Worked with Gretchin cleaning out the studio gutter. Tomorrow we'll be back to daily rain -- the sound of water constantly spilling out was driving her nuts.
posted by sven | November 9, 2006 10:15 PM | categories: stopmo