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November 9, 2006

artist's way guided intent (november)

by gl. at 2:23 am

tonight we explored a wide variety of dreams, as well as events both real and imagined. the studio is a flexible space: all the tables and art were whisked away, leaving a blank "canvas" to hold the stories as they were spun, safe from the wet november night.

playback theatre is potentially vulnerable but a lot of fun, in part because you get to enjoy such a wide range of roles. during the course of the evening I became a baby penguin, a pair of scissors, a strong-willed Russian woman about to be betrothed, a groom at his wedding, a woman renting her spare room, and a chemistry teacher!

at the end, i wrote: "i forgot how much fun it was to do this. i always do. i feel energized. i feel like even though i wasn't a storyteller, i did get to tell a story. even when we would tweak the stories after feedback from the storyteller, it didn't feel like i screwed up, but rather like i had the chance to do better, to create the story that wanted to be told. i like that attitude about art: whatever i make isn't wrong, but there might simply be a better way to tell its story."

since I was participating in the stories that were being told, i didn't get any pictures to show you this time, but if you want to see the special comfy chair for our storytellers to "direct" the action, here it is, more or less in situ:

[the storytelling chair]

there is a waiting list for the next artist's way open studio/collage night on next week, but the next artist's way guided intent is december 6. we'll be making life plaques (inspired by dayna!). playing with clay will ground you during the frenzy of the holidays, and you'll carry a reminder of your best self home with you.

posted by gl. | November 9, 2006 2:23 AM | categories: artist's way