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June 27, 2005
artist's way @mac: week 4
by gl. at 10:50 pm
well, then. that was.... disappointing. i wouldn't ordinarily use that word for an artist's way group because everyone is where they are and that is where they should be. but tonight i tried a new musical exploration activity involving voice, drumming, moving & piano, and none of it went well. we were missing two people and two others pretty much refused to participate, so only two of them were trying to hold the group together. and because it was so tenuous, i ended each portion very early and ended up having to make up 3 more writing assignments on the spot.
the best part about the evening was the centerpiece, made w/ raspberries from our studio bush:
[click on the image for a bigger version]
i'm sure it didn't help that i was worried about how this would go because it was new and because music is my weakest area. i was hoping they'd feel safe enough by now to try new things, and would be especially interested in a music activity after 3/4 of the group used the same "music" collage piece in the week 1' intuitive collage, and even more especially after media dep. authentic dance is definitely out in a 7-week group, then, i guess.
but oddly, at the end of the evening one of the participants who hadn't, in fact, participated asked if she could "buy more time" for a longer artist's way. and the other non-participant wanted to know if we could have a longer session, too. so now i'm just confused.
posted by gl. | June 27, 2005 10:50 PM | categories: artist's way